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Magical Soft Coral Spawning
Magical Soft Coral Spawning

Witness the magical process of soft coral spawning About Meridian Adventure Dive: Located in the stunning Raja Ampat, Indonesia, Meridian Adventure Dive is a PADI

New Great Barrier Reef Podcast
New Great Barrier Reef Podcast

New podcast dives into Great Barrier Reef stories A NEW podcast series telling the stories of divers and conservationists on the Great Barrier Reef aims

Diver dies on the Epanomi Shipwreck (Despin Dimo/ Pexels)
2 diver deaths on last day of June

A 33-year-old British man has died while exploring a shallow shipwreck in northern Greece in what were described as seas that had remained rough following

The Resurrection Of TABA HEIGHTS

The resort of Taba Heights was always a popular destination for divers, especially underwater photographers, and it was a shame to see it fall off

Record Breaking Bula Reef in Fiji
Record Breaking Bula Reef in Fiji

Launching Fiji’s BULA Reef – the largest word ever written under the sea Plantation Island Resort and Corals for Conservation launch UNESCO endorsed BULA Reef